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  • Writer's pictureRiley Zayas

Too Close to the Action?


By Bob Zayas

You may have caught the news report about the child that was hit by a foul ball line drive at Minute Maid Field on Wednesday night. I was at the game and saw the incident.  The Astros were hosting the Cubs and Cubs outfielder Albert Almora Jr was batting. Almora hit a screaming line drive over the 3rd base dugout to an area not protected by netting.  Almost immediately, the fans in and around the child stood up and started calling to security for help. Almora realized the gravity of the situation and was clearly distraught. All play on the field stopped. Astro and Cubs players came together. Within seconds a man, I would think was the kid’s father, picked the child up and ran up the steps for medical assistance. Last reports indicated the child was okay but did have to be hospitalized.  

Almora in shock after realizing the gravity of the situation

In 2018, as a result of a lawsuit, MLB expanded netting at all MLB ballparks.

Opinion articles and blogs about the topic of protective netting are fairly split. Some fans called for the netting to be extended to the foul poles while other fans say you just need to pay more attention to the game if you are sitting in unprotected seats. Some blamed the parents for allowing kids to sit so close to the field.

It’s easy to get distracted at a ball game regardless of where you sit with taking cell phone selfies, talking to your friends and family or those sitting around you. Even if you are paying full attention, those in unprotected seats must be able to react in a split second to a ball hit in their direction.

I am one to vote for more netting. Fans in protected areas can relax a bit more. Although a good awareness of what is going on during the game is always important, you can be sitting 400 feet from home plate in left field and still need to be aware of a possible home run ball headed your way.

My grandson and I recently sat about 10 rows up behind home plate at a minor league ball game. The netting did not detract from the game at all. I have attended other ball games where I actually forgot I was looking through a protective netting. It does not take away from the game and it keeps us safer.

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