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"Hey Chicago What Do You Say? The Cubs Are Gonna Win Today..."

By Bob Zayas


Cub fans love to celebrate a win by singing the lyrics to “Go Cubs Go” and holding up the white and blue “W” flags. But as this 2019 season was coming to an end, Cub fans did not have the opportunity to sing this song very much. Instead Cub fans saw the Cubs come apart with injuries, one run losses, bullpen disasters and lots of frustration.

Frustration was evident in the final weeks of the season, Image Courtesy of

The heartbreak intensified because the Cubs were within a couple of games of catching the St Louis Cardinals (who held first place in the NL Central), only to end up in a 9-game losing streak! It was hard to watch. To quote Ernest Thayer’s 1888 baseball poem “Casey at the Bat”, the Cubs season can be described as “There is no joy in Mudville”. To add more misery to this season, it appears Joe Maddon, the Cubs manager, will not be back in 2020. Maddon was a good fit when he took over in 2015, accomplished much through 2019 and he will be solely missed.

So, what now for Cub fans? Mull the 2019 season over and over in your mind? Forget baseball and start watching the NFL? Give thanks for the 2016 World Series win and call it even? Start counting the days until Spring Training 2020?

But as Cub fans realize at some point is that baseball is just a game…its not life or death but it sure feels like something is ripped out of you when you have to keep saying “wait till next year”…

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