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  • Writer's pictureRiley Zayas

Column: Should the MLB be boycotted?

As I look at Twitter, I see something that is disappointing and frustrating at the same time. With the start of the MLB season just two days away, I don’t see excitement about baseball coming back. Instead, I see the number 21,300 trending next to a hashtag I never thought I would see: #BoycottMLB.

It is not because of Covid-19. It is because players are kneeling. Kneeling during the national anthem. Kneeling against the flag. Kneeling against America.

However, the MLB disagrees with the last statement, even responding to multiple fans, who are against the protesting, with the following reply, “It has never been about the military or the flag. The players and coaches are using their platforms to peacefully protest.”

"This is nonsense, and the anti-American PR department at Major League Baseball knows it. We’ll use our platforms too, to tune these zeroes out."
-Dan Bongino

Regardless of what it is for, it is still a complete disrespect to the flag. What is even harder for me to comprehend is when you compare it to a situation that happened a few years ago in the NFL.

Former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow would kneel down and pray before every game. It was something Christians embraced, but many influential people in the league had a problem with. In fact, people trying to shed negative light on Tebow came out with false reports that he was kneeling during the national anthem, which had people everywhere up in arms. When he was in college, the NCAA banned Tebow amongst other players, from putting bible verses on their no glare. It was so publicized that it became known as “The Tebow Rule”. Why? After all, Tebow was peacefully protesting, using his platform for Christianity. It is because there is a complete double standard. The MLB, the NFL, the NCAA, the mainstream media, gets to decide what is morally right and what is morally wrong, even if it is distant from the actual truth. In fact, as this goes on, it wouldn’t surprise me if those who stand for the anthem are criticized and shunned, not the other way around.

This brings me back to the question, should the MLB be boycotted? In some ways, yes, and in others, no.

I will not stop watching baseball, but I don’t support the MLB. Who I do support are the players who stand, and the players making positive impacts in the locker room. I am a big fan of Jason Romano’s Sports Spectrum podcast, as he interviews Christian athletes, from a variety of sports and leagues. As a sportswriter, I’ve had the chance to talk with so many Christian athletes and coaches, and I always enjoyed their perspectives and thoughts. It came to me as I watched so many people boycott baseball this morning, by boycotting baseball, they seem to be doing something similar to what they were condemning when these protests began. Following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, many protesters started identifying all police as being the exact same as those cops in Minneapolis, even though that was so far from the case.. In a similar sense, that is what people are doing here, refusing to support the players who are making positive impacts, standing for what is right, because of a few teammates who are acting on the contrary.

So, no, I will not boycott baseball. Instead, I’m going to support those who are standing. How can I sell out on people I’ve supported for season after season, because of something outside of their control? Am I truly a fan then? The MLB may be following in the “new norm” but that doesn’t mean every player in the league is. Instead of focusing on those disrespecting the flag, focus on those who are standing. Those like Jake Reed, Jake Mangum, Adam Wainwright, Jack Flaherty and so many more, who are leading their teams with strong faith, an allegiance to the United States, and a positive impact in the locker room.

This is my opinion, and I want to know yours. This is a pivotal moment in American history and is shaping up to be a turning point in the sports world as well. What is your opinion on pro athletes kneeling, especially MLB players with opening day just a few days away? Will you boycott the MLB?

Send me an email at, and let me know. All opinions and thoughts will be respected.

Note: Cover image from

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